Blog Post

The Smart Way to Convert Online Leads Into Customers

Amber Blevins • Apr 12, 2024

So, your website is generating leads—great! But gathering leads is only the first step in the process. What you do next will determine how many of those leads turn into actual customers. (Site not generating leads? Click here.)

Let’s get clear on what an online lead really is. First, there’s the obvious: a lead is a contact you receive by way of your website, like an email from a contact form or a phone call via a click-to-call button. But online leads can also include inquiries that come through your social media channels, Google Business Profile listing, or other professional directories.

In short, an online lead refers to any potential customer or prospect who initiates contact with you online.

What should you do with online leads once you have them? Is there a surefire way to convert them into actual customers? Unfortunately, there’s no magic formula. But there are three simple steps to drastically increase your chances of converting leads into paying customers.

Three Crucial Steps in Converting Leads to Customers

The first of these steps is the most important—and the one most often overlooked. This is the key to starting the conversion process off right.

1. Speed

Quick turnaround time when responding to online leads is absolutely vital in the conversion process. And in this case, a quick response needs to be really quick. Next day responses aren't fast enough. Depending on your line of business, even a response within a few hours might not be fast enough. When an online lead comes in, you need to address it in a matter of minutes if you want the best chance of converting the lead into a customer.

The digital world is happening in real time and consumers are less patient than ever before. This is not a hypothesis, it's a fact—and the stats prove it.

2. Proficiency

Now that you understand the importance of a quick response time, the next step is ensuring your responses are handled the right way. Remember, the lead sought out your company for information, to ask you questions, and (hopefully) to book an appointment, request a quote, or make a purchase.

This is the lead's first interaction with your brand. It's your chance to shine, to make a lasting positive impression. Providing canned responses to emails or giving vague answers on the phone isn’t going to convert anyone into a customer. The staff handling your lead responses must be proficient in your business, adept at answering a variety of questions, and skilled at guiding leads through to the next step of the customer journey.

You can be sure of one thing—if your team can’t answer the lead's initial questions, they'll find another company who can.

3. Perseverance

Unless you’re in the retail space, the sales process is seldom a one-and-done affair. Leads may not be ready to commit to an appointment or a quote after their first contact. And that’s okay. Lead conversion is an ongoing process.

You won’t be able to reach every lead on the first attempt. Multiple attempts will be required in many cases. And once you have made contact, there’s a good chance a back-and-forth conversation will take shape. (Hint: This is where your highly trained and proficient staff can flex their muscles.)

Nurturing the lead is a natural part of the conversion process and a great opportunity to form a bond, making conversion a lot more likely. Don’t give up on leads who need a bit more attention—there's a good chance they’re shopping around with your competitors, too.

Don’t Underestimate Your Online Leads

Many companies, especially those in the service industry, aren’t convinced of the importance of online leads. They’re used to word-of-mouth referrals, foot traffic in their showrooms, and trade fairs. But no matter the industry, online leads can foster incredible growth if they’re handled the right way.

Remember, response speed is the key. And once you’ve made quick contact, you need to be knowledgeable and persistent to turn those leads into real customers.

Need help getting more leads through your website? Locallogy can help! Drop up a message to learn more.

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